Thursday, November 30, 2006

Weedle's First Day as a Chinese Dog

Today Weedle came over to Donna and Kai-Yu's house after his owner Chad "AKA Weedlewalker" dropped him off after a bout of face rash attributed to unknown substances. His first day as a "chinese" dog was very eventful.

11:45AM - Had 1 1/2 Old Mother Hubbard Treat

12:15PM - Went apeshit after the UPS person came and rang the doorbell.

2:00PM - Went under the piano.

3:30PM - Took a walk around the neighborhood. Went to Petland and hung out with fellow dogs and then headed down to Riverside Park for a bit of strolling, pissing everywhere.

4:15PM - Came home and drank a crapload of water.

5:45PM - Took a walk to Garden of Eden for some broccoli and Jasmart for some tofu.

7:00PM - Watched Donna and Kai-Yu eat dinner while begging relentlessly for some turkey congee. (Why is it that he is so capable of making poor, pathetic noises?)

8:30ishPM - Went apeshit again because Aaron rang the buzzer as he needed to fax something.

11:00PM - Took his final walk of the night and a poop in front of KFC on 106th St. I scooped up his poop and it was pretty standard poop.

11:20PM - Fed 1/2 of a Old Mother Hubbard Treat as a reward for good poop....more adventures to come tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

That is quite a fancy terrier you are watching! Lucky you!!

emily said...

I miss my terrier!!! Please hug him for me...

julie said...

So how late did your very cute terrier sleep this morning? I hear he can be hard to wake up....;-)

Donna said...

he slept as late as the watchers. :) he still seems sleepy and it is already 1:13pm.